How to test your backup Print

  • 6

1. To test a restore, open up the Guardian web console from the desktop

and log in with the default user and password (admin and admin)

2. Once logged in, go to Restore -> List Backups for restore

3. Click on the restore icon on the right

Select a retention date (step 2) for the file to be recovered from Select a file from the backup (step 3) to be restored (please note, the more files selected, the longer the test restore will take) Type your encryption password in step 4 if applicable, and restore to original location. Please note the restored file will not overwrite any current file as it will be restored with a .sg extension.

4. Click on Restore at the bottom of the screen. Then click on "list of backups for restore"

5. The green arrow will show the progress of your restore, and once completed will show the report icon on the right. You can click on the report icon to show the status your restore.

6. Please contact our support team should your restore fail on

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