Device does not appear in backup management console after installation. Print

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You have installed Guardian Neo Agent and registered it in your account, but when you open the backup management console, this device is not listed in Devices.

In mms log on the affected machine (located in C:\ProgramData\Acronis\BackupAndRecovery\MMS\), you see this error:

| error 0x1403f4: WMI 'ExecQuery' failed for query '%ls'.
| line: 0xc523d9a02d03d55c
| file: e:\310\core\winex\wmi_acc.cpp:305
| function: Windows::WMIClass::Select
| Query: SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem
| $module: mms_vs_12420


WMI is Windows Management Instrumentation, Guardian Neo uses its functionality on Windows machines to get information about disks, system and services.

The error indicates that Guardian Neo Agent had attempted a query via WMI tools and WMI tools failed to process it.

This is often caused by WMI repository issues in the Windows OS.


Diagnosis of WMI can be performed with a special Windows utility:
The WMI Diagnosis Utility

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